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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

"Celebrate This Life"

This painting is one that I painted for my December "Paint, Sip and Soul with Lisa', my fun art instruction paint parties.  I wanted to do something special for what will probably be the last or one of my last paint parties for 2014. I really want to do more than just teach people to paint. I want to make them Feel; I want to make them Think; I want to engage them not only in the process of painting but also provide them with a healing gift of creativity. To help them look outside the box, seeing through the grey area into the colorful kaleidoscope of their hearts.    
This painting with its profound message is a great one to end the year on; it was inspired by the bible scripture, "My cup overflows with blessings" (runneth over) Psalm 23:5. The painting is colorful, vibrant and fun shows the sparkling wine spraying (bursting) out the bottle, it is a metaphor in celebration of abundance and endless possibility. Even the wine glasses can't be still in excited anticipation of receiving the bounty and are also over flowing with God's grace. The wine bottle title says it all, "Celebrate This Life" I toyed with the idea of naming it simply "Celebrate Life"  but I wanted to say so much more than that. No, Celebrate This Life, the one you are living right now. It is a call to action for us to be appreciative of what we have and who we are and the wonderful people and teachers that have aided in shaping our individual journeys. Each of us is perfectly imperfect, and thank God for those  who love and accept us anyway. We are the sum total of our experiences, good and bad. We must understand that we are spiritual beings trying to have a physical experience, not physical beings trying to have spiritual experiences. As our ancestors before us, we are simply life's students sent to this world to love and learn.

As we say goodbye to 2014 let's be thankful for this life even for the doors that have closed and those that have swung open wide to even greater opportunities. Be happy for the people we've loved and lost; grateful for the smiles and laughter that have added love and richness to our lives as well as being grateful for any shed tears that may have led to our transformation, greater clarity and personal growth. Remember to count it all Joy! ("Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance,"- James 1:2-3)

Life is dynamic and can change in an instant. Strive to have a heart of gratitude and live in the truth of this promise, that one touch of God's favor can change the trajectory of one's life, leading you to that dream job,  that wonderful soul mate, that bestselling novel, the inspiration for the next world renowned art masterpiece or simply may lead to finally achieving true peace of mind.

Whatever it is you are hoping and praying for, let's pause for a minute today to be still and Celebrate this Wonderful Life and its magical mystical endless possibility.

May all your dreams come true in 2015!

Peace & Blessing
Paint, Sip and Soul with Lisa
 (painting "Celebrate This Life")
 Dec. 17 at Zanzibar Brews, 740 E Long St. 
from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. Register for the painting party at:
We would love to see you there!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Kreativity is Good for the Soul!

Paint, Sip ans Soul with Lisa & Friends

I haven't written in a while, Been keeping busy with Fall shows and my newest venture, Paint, Sip and Soul with Lisa,  fun art instruction. I am jumping on the band wagon of the hot new trend of social painting with cocktails. As you know my intention is to live a creative life of art and as I have pondered what this looks like,, my heart has been open to many possibilities. I began hearing about the whole paint and sip party trend  about 2 years or so. Many of my friends and family have attended paint parties locally and said that it was fun, and I thought I would check it out, (sooner or later) but God has a sense of humor and the chatter or inner urgings became louder; friends started texting me, emailing me, strangers began speaking to me at events, asking when I would start doing my own paint instruction parties. Finally one Sunday night a good friend and ex colleague sent me a text at 1:00 am in the morning about a paint and sip franchise that he thought I should check out. Then exactly one hour later my sister sent me a text at 2:00 am about a paint sip party scheduled for that week. After I read and processed each of the texts, I sad Ok Lord, I hear you! Texts for me in the middle of the night Do Not happen. So in the morning I started doing research on the concept. I began pulling up facts, figures and stats and was watching the local noon news, when low and behold, they do a story of an artist, that also offers fun painting classes at her gallery.  Now if this was not bizarre enough, then the phone rings, "Are you watching channel 4 news right now?, Lisa this is for YOU!!" from another old friend that I hadn't spoken to in months. I took these messages as a full on "God Wink" and I got busy planning my first paint and sip,

I know from my corporate back ground that it wouldn't be enough to simply do what the other guys are doing, I wanted to do mine better. I was determined to put the "soul" in my paint and sip party, adding my poetry and my passion for inspiring others to seek their creativity, Thus "Paint, Sip and Soul with Lisa" was born. So far each lesson has been allot of fun and I have some larger parties already on the schedule. I really love it.and also want to add a corporate component with a team building element. In my past life as a VP of sales, I used to make a point of encouraging strong teamwork among my team members with team building activities: we went bowling. took cooking classes, did comedy shows and even went shooting together. All in an effort to build a strong team and inspire loyalty in the company's mission. It was team building that led my team to consistently meet and exceed sales goals. My desire is to utilize Paint, Sip and Soul with Lisa,  to help other business' flourish and also build strong teams.

So far I have been holding these parties at Zanzibar Brews on Long St. every other Wednesday however, I would eventually want to have a retail store front presence. Last month on a weekend vacation down South, I happened upon a paint and sip store on a Friday night, the owner informed us that they were completely sold out (of what looked like 50 seats) for Friday and Saturday and  if I registered right then, I may be able to attend the Sunday afternoon class. I know with my business experience, passion for serving others and love for art, this could be a successful business model. I too could have sold out classes while having fun inspiring others to reach for their latent creativity and living the life of art that I dream of.

As I continue to walk by faith- not by sight, I am ever prayerful that if it is God's plan for me to bring my vision into fruition that it will be so. In the mean time I am asking for your prayer's and support of this venture. I cannot do this without you: friends and family with big open hearts; interested in not only supporting my business but also interested in having fun exploring their own creativity (and spreding the news then telling folks . I truly do believe that creativity is good for the soul. Led by the right and left brains, creativity can open portals to endless possibility. Paint, Sip and Soul with Lisa is a party with a purpose, you are exercising the underused part of your heart that is youthful and imaginative. I believe that in using the gift of creativity, not only do we nurture our souls, we also  making God smile,

So come on, join me. 
Let's Get Our Paint On!!!

Paint, Sip and Soul with Lisa & Friends

Check out my Facebook page at:


For times and locations of the next sip. 

If you are interested in registering for a Paint, Sip and Soul Party  or 
buying a gift certificate for a future  Paint, Sip and Soul party, please go to: 

Hope to See You Soon!

Friday, April 18, 2014


It has been a while since I have written. There have been many changes and activity- some good some not so good. I have been blessed with a strong and courageous heart but I am not claiming to be without fear. I have a poem "Creating Art is not for the Faint of Heart" which is so profoundly true. There is great joy in creating art but sharing art with the public is also being vulnerable and exposing your heart. Again, not always for the faint of heart. I have been successful at conveying warmth and  positivity through my work. For every smile at the gaze of my work, I wish I could get a dollar. I wish I could make a living off "smiles" for then I would be rich. I had many hopes tied to the last few months, although I am blessed, many of these hopes did not come into fruition but I did not and will not give up. I am blessed with a wonderful talent and I vow to simply modify and enhance my program.

 My heart is open for new beginnings and the promise of God's grace, It has been His grace that has brought me thus far and I know He will never leave me. I am so thankful that He has sent me many earth angels to surround and support me. I also have a nice network of loyal art collectors, that consistently buy my work. Although I may have had a few setbacks, I am positive I will be back in full effect in no time. Energized and ready to hit the canvas.

Friends and family it is in the midst of the storm that we must remember to reach for God's umbrella of protection. When things seem not to go as you planned, "it could actually be grace," (Mastin Kip). Choose faith over fear. As for me and my house, I know I will serve the Lord and I know that He has bigger and better plans for me. I just need to hold on get "unstuck." So as of 4:00pm today, I am claiming that I am officially  emotionally and creatively FREE and on the move. I am releasing these wonderful masterpieces and books of poetry that have been laying latent only in my mind, Free. I will move about this world with a fresh perspective, allowing my work to proudly show it and it will be magnificent.

There is an abundance of creativity in these hands, brilliance in this heart and I am GRACE anointed.    

Ashe Ashe, and be blessed. As I follow my bliss, please follow yours!